
Gianluca Cornetta obtained his Dr.-Eng. Degree from Politecnico di Torino (Italy) in 1995 and his Ph.D. from Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (Spain) in 2001, both in Electronic Engineering.

In 2003 he joined Universidad CEU-San Pablo in Madrid (Spain), where he is presently an Associate Professor.

Prior to joining Universidad CEU-San Pablo, he was a Lecturer in the Departement of Electronic Engineering of Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (Spain), a Digital Designer at Infineon Technologies Gmbh (Germany) working on design and development of embedded flash memories for the automotive and industrial markets, and an ICT Consultant at Tecsidel S.A. (Spain) in the field of real-time embedded systems.

In 2004 he founded the Department of Electronic System Engineering and Telecommunications (now department of Information Engineering) , which he chaired until February 2008. He is also a research fellow at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and an invited Professor at the Institut Superieur d’Electronique de Paris (ISEP) where he has been teaching Wireless System Design in the Advances in Communication Environment (ACE) Master since 2010.

The Learnelectronics Project

Learnelectronics is a lifelong learning project started by me at CEU-San Pablo University (Madrid, Spain). In this project are converging the teaching practices, tools and methodologies with whom I have experimented during the last three years in both graduate and undergraduate electronics courses held at the “Escuela Politécnica Superior” of CEU-San Pablo University.

This initiative was initially directed to spanish-speaking students. In such context I should have started a MooC (Massive open on-line Course) on MiriadaX, a reference e-learning platform for spanish-speaking countries.

The course was scheduled to start on September 2014, but for reasons that do not depend on me the project is stalled and, given the actual situation, I cannot foresee a clear date to kick off.

The good piece of news is that my subscribers on Learnelectronics will have acces to large part of that material, organized in form of articles and tutorials, before spring 2015.

I decided to create an open platform and to extend this initiative not only to students, but also to practicing professionals and, in general, to all those individuals eager to learn in depth the secrets of electronic design and solid-state circuits.

What you will not find on this website

This is not a website dedicated to electronics gadgets and toys. On this website you will never find ‘Arduino’ or ‘Raspberry pi’ projects since the goal of this website is teaching how to design electronic devices, not how to program them.

What you will find on this website

On this website you will find all the information to develop solid skills in analog, digital, mixed-signal and radio-frequency design starting from the fundamentals to move afterwards to advanced topics and applications. This information is (or will be) made available to you in several different formats:

  • Articles;
  • Tutorials;
  • Videos.

Learnelectronics is a very ambitious project and will require a though work produce new videos and to gather, reorganize, rewrite and translate into english all the material and notes I have developed so far.

I would kindly ask to all those that are reading these lines now to be patient. If you are a beginner you will probably find too difficult the topics treated. Please don’t give up, mastering electronic design is not easy and requires time, study and dedication, but the reward is worth all these efforts,

If you are familiar with electronic design you will probably find these first posts too elementary. Please, don’t go away. At the moment in which I am writing these lines it is january 1st 2015, I have just started this website and I am mainly concerned with introductory topics. More challenging and advanced subjects are on the pipe and you will surely agree with me that it will have been worth waiting.

This is only the starting point, since Learnelectronics will exist and grow as long as I will have the strength to keep it alive. In this process I would like to count with the feeback and suggestions of all of you through the social networks.


My experience as a technical writer

I have either authored, coauthored or coedited several books and book chapters on computer architecture, digital design, radio-frequency design, security and energy scavenging techniques for wireless sensor networks. I decided not to publish some of them and to make them available in form of articles or tutorials to all my subscribers on Learnelectronics.